Tuesday, July 14, 2009

sitting up

macie has been working on sitting up for the past few weeks. in just the last couple of days she has been able to go extended periods without any assistance. every milestone is exciting as a new parent!

Monday, July 13, 2009

paper love and sugar love

i have always had this crazy dream of having my own retail store...or two...to live out my love for crafting and baking. it stems from the summers that i spent playing and working in my grandparents grocery store/bakery and women's dress shop. i figure a blog devoted to these two things in the next best...maybe better because this way i don't have to work on saturdays or the summer :-). anyways, it's just a place for me to share some of the fun things that i like to do.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

freedom run

on the 4th, blake and i ran in a race with a group of our friends. blake ran the 8k and i did the 3k. our friend, gary, held macie while we ran...she was cheering for us at the finish line!
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