Saturday, February 11, 2012

happy vday!

we had quite a few candy circus peanuts left over from macie's bday party... so i made them into valentines for next week!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

she's three!

yesterday we celebrated macie's 3rd birthday with a vintage carnival party.  we transformed our garage into a carnival and had a duck pond, ring toss, bean bag toss, and knock 'em down.  my sister and her friend, bekah, made balloon animals for the kids and my aunt debbie did face painting.  for the food we had all the carnival classics.... corn dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, cherry lemonade, corn on the cob, candy apples, and funnel cakes.  and to top it off i made my first layer cake... which (surprisingly) turned out pretty cute.  macie had so much fun with her friends... we are so thankful for everyone that came over to celebrate with us!

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