wow! what a whirlwind the last 3 days have been. i don't think i would consider this a vacation...more of a business trip. wednesday we had meetings all morning where we networked with the awardees from the other states and the national council of teachers of mathematics. that evening we had dinner at the historic decatur house on lafayette square and listened to sam kass, white house chef and food initiative coordinator for michelle obama. for the first course of the dinner we ate on white house china! thursday was spent at the national science foundation. that afternoon blake and i had the opportunity to meet our representative, james lankford, at the capital...right outside of the house floor (between votes)! last night was the awards ceremony at the ronald reagan building. i was fortunate that my friend (lisa's) mother (connie) was in town and was able to go with blake to the ceremony. the guest speaker was arne duncan, secretary of education. this morning we took a white house tour and had meetings all morning at the executive office building. then we had the fabulous opportunity to meet vice-president biden and jill. we were hopeful of meeting president obama, but he was in colorado all day meeting with people from the wildfires. although my activities are over, blake and i are staying one more day to see dc together. i'm looking forward to a day together at our own pace!
Ashley, I hadn't seen these photos until now. Wow! What a great memory!